Adapted to you


Your workplace is our inspiration.

Empathy is an important element in HeartBeat Group’s work. We make it our mission to create an audience experience that meets them where they are. We may, for instance, perform our compositions on items and objects from your business or organisation, include the party’s theme or the company values, or use the physical event space as a base for something new.

Over the years there have been countless examples of HeartBeat Group lifting an astounded audience with a show that was tailored specifically for them: We’ve performed on Hummel’s sports collection, played on Mortalin’s sonorous rat traps and we cooked for BC Catering with a beat made on their kitchen inventory.

It is the thorough preparation that creates the rhythm of excitement and gives your guests a boost. Therefore our collaboration always starts with a good talk with you about the purpose of the performance. In some cases, it can be relevant to visit your company to have a closer look at the location or the items you may wish to include. Then flow and content is planned so it involves the audience’s world veiw and the space we are performing in.

Let us talk about all the possibilities you have!
”I would like to praise you for your commitment, presence, awareness, humour, professionalism and imagination.
You managed to deliver a show that was ours, and you performed it with such presence, that I think everybody felt that this was very specifically for them. Thank you for that
”Wow – What an experience to have you live, right in front of us, at eye level!
Your ability to incorporate different words and concepts from our course material while playing on percussion instruments made from our tools, gave us exactly the start of our Joyfestival 2019 that we wanted.
We have had so much really great feedback from our coworkers.
Your enthusiasm and energy is simply irresistible.”
”HeartBeat Group took the task with very open minds and it lead to so many possibilities. It made me nervous and calm at the same time – for it was not obvious musical instruments they were handed at our first meeting.
I was very impressed by the professionalism and creativity in HeartBeat Group who threw around ideas. Here it was my task just to limit and narrow down so that we hit the right mood, level and concept.
The act itself created a great sensation among the audience – it was very different from the other content in the show and it created a wow effect. It was a really great way to make something different which took the audience by surprise.”
Heartbeat plays on Herbalife and blenders
Confetti and a happy crowd at HeartBeats Herbalife concert
Bertram plays on spinach at the Herbalife concert

Selected cases

Ved jernbaneverkets julefrokost, som blev livestreamet fra Oslo til hele Norge, blev Spektrum udsmykket med ting fra medarbejdernes hverdag. Med et brag der kunne afspore et godstog åbnede vi festen med rytmer på containere, paller, sveller og togskinner
Med en royal indvielse af en containerterminal i Oslo ønskede arrangørerne et show fremført på inventaret i den skibshangar hvor indvielsesfesten foregik. Vi blev fløjet ind dagen før og havde 24 timer til at forberede et brag af et show.
Vi forklædte os som kok, murer og tømrer for at fremføre et nummer på hvidkål, murerskeer, hammer og sav til DM i Skills.
Det var oplagt at vores show ved Mortlins årlige jubelfest skulle indeholde rytmisk udfoldelse på deres skadedyrsfælder og bure.